path: root/vendor/compat53/README.md
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+# lua-compat-5.3
+Lua-5.3-style APIs for Lua 5.2 and 5.1.
+## What is it
+This is a small module that aims to make it easier to write code
+in a Lua-5.3-style that is compatible with Lua 5.1, Lua 5.2, and Lua
+5.3. This does *not* make Lua 5.2 (or even Lua 5.1) entirely
+compatible with Lua 5.3, but it brings the API closer to that of Lua
+It includes:
+* _For writing Lua_: The Lua module `compat53`, which can be require'd
+ from Lua scripts and run in Lua 5.1, 5.2, and 5.3, including a
+ backport of the `utf8` module, the 5.3 `table` module, and the
+ string packing functions straight from the Lua 5.3 sources.
+* _For writing C_: A C header and file which can be linked to your
+ Lua module written in C, providing some functions from the C API
+ of Lua 5.3 that do not exist in Lua 5.2 or 5.1, making it easier to
+ write C code that compiles with all three versions of liblua.
+## How to use it
+### Lua module
+`compat53` makes changes to your global environment and does not return
+a meaningful return value, so the usual idiom of storing the return of
+`require` in a local variable makes no sense.
+When run under Lua 5.3, this module does nothing.
+When run under Lua 5.2 or 5.1, it replaces some of your standard
+functions and adds new ones to bring your environment closer to that
+of Lua 5.3. It also tries to load the backported `utf8`, `table`, and
+string packing modules automatically. If unsuccessful, pure Lua
+versions of the new `table` functions are used as a fallback, and
+[Roberto's struct library][1] is tried for string packing.
+#### Lua submodules
+local _ENV = require("compat53.module")
+if setfenv then setfenv(1, _ENV) end
+The `compat53.module` module does not modify the global environment,
+and so it is safe to use in modules without affecting other Lua files.
+It is supposed to be set as the current environment (see above), i.e.
+cherry picking individual functions from this module is expressly
+*not* supported!). Not all features are available when using this
+module (e.g. yieldable (x)pcall support, string/file methods, etc.),
+so it is recommended to use plain `require("compat53")` whenever
+### C code
+There are two ways of adding the C API compatibility functions/macros to
+your project:
+* If `COMPAT53_PREFIX` is *not* `#define`d, `compat-5.3.h` `#include`s
+ `compat-5.3.c`, and all functions are made `static`. You don't have to
+ compile/link/add `compat-5.3.c` yourself. This is useful for one-file
+ projects.
+* If `COMPAT53_PREFIX` is `#define`d, all exported functions are renamed
+ behind the scenes using this prefix to avoid linker conflicts with other
+ code using this package. This doesn't change the way you call the
+ compatibility functions in your code. You have to compile and link
+ `compat-5.3.c` to your project yourself. You can change the way the
+ functions are exported using the `COMPAT53_API` macro (e.g. if you need
+ some `__declspec` magic). While it is technically possible to use
+ the "lua" prefix (and it looks better in the debugger), this is
+ discouraged because LuaJIT has started to implement its own Lua 5.2+
+ C API functions, and with the "lua" prefix you'd violate the
+ one-definition rule with recent LuaJIT versions.
+## What's implemented
+### Lua
+* the `utf8` module backported from the Lua 5.3 sources
+* `string.pack`, `string.packsize`, and `string.unpack` from the Lua
+ 5.3 sources or from the `struct` module. (`struct` is not 100%
+ compatible to Lua 5.3's string packing!) (See [here][4])
+* `math.maxinteger` and `math.mininteger`, `math.tointeger`, `math.type`,
+ and `math.ult` (see [here][5])
+* `assert` accepts non-string error messages
+* `ipairs` respects `__index` metamethod
+* `table.move`
+* `table` library respects metamethods
+For Lua 5.1 additionally:
+* `load` and `loadfile` accept `mode` and `env` parameters
+* `table.pack` and `table.unpack`
+* string patterns may contain embedded zeros (but see [here][6])
+* `string.rep` accepts `sep` argument
+* `string.format` calls `tostring` on arguments for `%s`
+* `math.log` accepts base argument
+* `xpcall` takes additional arguments
+* `pcall` and `xpcall` can execute functions that yield (see
+ [here][22] for a possible problem with `coroutine.running`)
+* `pairs` respects `__pairs` metamethod (see [here][7])
+* `rawlen` (but `#` still doesn't respect `__len` for tables)
+* `package.searchers` as alias for `package.loaders`
+* `package.searchpath` (see [here][8])
+* `coroutine` functions dealing with the main coroutine (see
+ [here][22] for a possible problem with `coroutine.running`)
+* `coroutine.create` accepts functions written in C
+* return code of `os.execute` (see [here][9])
+* `io.write` and `file:write` return file handle
+* `io.lines` and `file:lines` accept format arguments (like `io.read`)
+ (see [here][10] and [here][11])
+* `debug.setmetatable` returns object
+* `debug.getuservalue` (see [here][12])
+* `debug.setuservalue` (see [here][13])
+### C
+* `lua_KContext` (see [here][14])
+* `lua_KFunction` (see [here][14])
+* `lua_dump` (extra `strip` parameter, ignored, see [here][15])
+* `lua_getfield` (return value)
+* `lua_geti` and `lua_seti`
+* `lua_getglobal` (return value)
+* `lua_getmetafield` (return value)
+* `lua_gettable` (return value)
+* `lua_getuservalue` (limited compatibility, see [here][16])
+* `lua_setuservalue` (limited compatibility, see [here][17])
+* `lua_isinteger`
+* `lua_numbertointeger`
+* `lua_callk` and `lua_pcallk` (limited compatibility, see [here][14])
+* `lua_rawget` and `lua_rawgeti` (return values)
+* `lua_rawgetp` and `lua_rawsetp`
+* `luaL_requiref` (now checks `package.loaded` first)
+* `lua_rotate`
+* `lua_stringtonumber` (see [here][18])
+For Lua 5.1 additionally:
+* `LUA_OK`
+* `LUA_OP*` macros for `lua_arith` and `lua_compare`
+* `lua_Unsigned`
+* `lua_absindex`
+* `lua_arith` (see [here][19])
+* `lua_compare`
+* `lua_len`, `lua_rawlen`, and `luaL_len`
+* `lua_pushstring`, `lua_pushlstring` (return value)
+* `lua_copy`
+* `lua_pushglobaltable`
+* `luaL_testudata`
+* `luaL_setfuncs`, `luaL_newlibtable`, and `luaL_newlib`
+* `luaL_setmetatable`
+* `luaL_getsubtable`
+* `luaL_traceback`
+* `luaL_execresult`
+* `luaL_fileresult`
+* `luaL_checkversion` (with empty body, only to avoid compile errors,
+ see [here][20])
+* `luaL_tolstring`
+* `luaL_buffinitsize`, `luaL_prepbuffsize`, and `luaL_pushresultsize`
+ (see [here][21])
+* `lua_pushunsigned`, `lua_tounsignedx`, `lua_tounsigned`,
+ `luaL_checkunsigned`, `luaL_optunsigned`, if
+## What's not implemented
+* bit operators
+* integer division operator
+* utf8 escape sequences
+* 64 bit integers
+* `coroutine.isyieldable`
+* Lua 5.1: `_ENV`, `goto`, labels, ephemeron tables, etc. See
+ [`lua-compat-5.2`][2] for a detailed list.
+* the following C API functions/macros:
+ * `lua_isyieldable`
+ * `lua_getextraspace`
+ * `lua_arith` (new operators missing)
+ * `lua_push(v)fstring` (new formats missing)
+ * `lua_upvalueid` (5.1)
+ * `lua_upvaluejoin` (5.1)
+ * `lua_version` (5.1)
+ * `lua_yieldk` (5.1)
+ * `luaL_loadbufferx` (5.1)
+ * `luaL_loadfilex` (5.1)
+## See also
+* For Lua-5.2-style APIs under Lua 5.1, see [lua-compat-5.2][2],
+ which also is the basis for most of the code in this project.
+* For Lua-5.1-style APIs under Lua 5.0, see [Compat-5.1][3]
+## Credits
+This package contains code written by:
+* [The Lua Team](http://www.lua.org)
+* Philipp Janda ([@siffiejoe](http://github.com/siffiejoe))
+* Tomás Guisasola Gorham ([@tomasguisasola](http://github.com/tomasguisasola))
+* Hisham Muhammad ([@hishamhm](http://github.com/hishamhm))
+* Renato Maia ([@renatomaia](http://github.com/renatomaia))
+ [1]: http://www.inf.puc-rio.br/~roberto/struct/
+ [2]: http://github.com/keplerproject/lua-compat-5.2/
+ [3]: http://keplerproject.org/compat/
+ [4]: https://github.com/keplerproject/lua-compat-5.3/wiki/string_packing
+ [5]: https://github.com/keplerproject/lua-compat-5.3/wiki/math.type
+ [6]: https://github.com/keplerproject/lua-compat-5.3/wiki/pattern_matching
+ [7]: https://github.com/keplerproject/lua-compat-5.3/wiki/pairs
+ [8]: https://github.com/keplerproject/lua-compat-5.3/wiki/package.searchpath
+ [9]: https://github.com/keplerproject/lua-compat-5.3/wiki/os.execute
+ [10]: https://github.com/keplerproject/lua-compat-5.3/wiki/io.lines
+ [11]: https://github.com/keplerproject/lua-compat-5.3/wiki/file.lines
+ [12]: https://github.com/keplerproject/lua-compat-5.3/wiki/debug.getuservalue
+ [13]: https://github.com/keplerproject/lua-compat-5.3/wiki/debug.setuservalue
+ [14]: https://github.com/keplerproject/lua-compat-5.3/wiki/yieldable_c_functions
+ [15]: https://github.com/keplerproject/lua-compat-5.3/wiki/lua_dump
+ [16]: https://github.com/keplerproject/lua-compat-5.3/wiki/lua_getuservalue
+ [17]: https://github.com/keplerproject/lua-compat-5.3/wiki/lua_setuservalue
+ [18]: https://github.com/keplerproject/lua-compat-5.3/wiki/lua_stringtonumber
+ [19]: https://github.com/keplerproject/lua-compat-5.3/wiki/lua_arith
+ [20]: https://github.com/keplerproject/lua-compat-5.3/wiki/luaL_checkversion
+ [21]: https://github.com/keplerproject/lua-compat-5.3/wiki/luaL_Buffer
+ [22]: https://github.com/keplerproject/lua-compat-5.3/wiki/coroutine.running