![header](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/72354794/211170247-af9a802e-73f2-429c-a697-6edd49c24006.png) # Webdeck Player *Cool music for your cool website!* The **Webdeck Player** is a player for Youtube playlists coded entirely in Javascript and intended for personal websites. Use it for showing your amazing music taste to your visitors! **Live demo**: https://music.xgenos.me [![paypal](https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_donate_SM.gif)](https://paypal.me/xgenos) ## Features - Play Youtube videos saved in playlists - Integrated video controls (play, pause, volume, shuffling, etc.) - Playlist selector - select between your defined playlists - Themes - customize the player with the included themes or create your own! - Very easy to use - Written in pure modern Javascript - no weird stuff! - Lightweight - aestheticâ„¢ ## Downloads Releases section: https://git.xgenos.me/webdeck-player ## Instructions *(read these instructions also on the [website](https://music.xgenos.me/))* Getting started with the Webdeck Player is very simple. Follow this tutorial and you'll get your copy of the player running in a few minutes! ### Installing the player 1. Go to the Releases section of the Github repository and download the latest version available. You should get a `webdeck-player-v.X.X.X.zip` file. 2. Unzip the file and put the `webdeck-player` folder into your website root folder. 3. a. **Run the player on a separate browser window (recommended)** - The player is designed to work inside a container of 600x250 pixels. You can make the player open in a new browser window - it will look great and visitors can navigate the rest of your site while keeping the player running! To do it, place a tag like the following in your site: `` This code creates a button that will open a window with the specified height and width containing the player. 3. b. **Run the player inside an iframe** - You can also run the player inside a page of your site using an iframe tag. To do it, you can write the following tag in the HTML of your page: `` ### Adding playlists Go to the `script.js` file inside the webdeck-player folder. There you can follow the instructions to change the playlists shown in the player. ### Adding themes To add a new theme to the player, copy its folder to the themes folder. Then, open the `script.js` file and add it to the list following the instructions. ### Creating a new theme Themes are just a collection of resources (like images or fonts) and a CSS file to modify the player appearance. You just need basic knowledge about CSS to start! Create a new theme following these steps: 1. Inside the `webdeck-player` folder, locate the themes folder and open it. 2. Choose a theme folder as a base, for example, the default theme. You can modify any other theme. 3. Duplicate your chosen folder and rename it. For example, call it `my-theme`. 4. Add your new theme to the `script.js` file following the instructions inside it. 5. Inside your theme folder, open the `webdeck-player.css` file and modify it to your liking. You can also change the fonts and the images. **Do not rename any image.** Their paths are used in the `script.js` file. The `about.txt` file is for adding a description about the theme and your name. ## About Created by Chris. Licensed under the MIT License. Some components of the software such as fonts were created by others. In these cases, attribution was given for their work.