{% set page_title = title %} {% extends "base.html" %} {% import "common_elements.html" as common_elements %} {% import "comments.html" as comments with context %} {% block style %} {% if settings.use_video_player == 2 %} {% endif %} {% endblock style %} {% block main %} {% if playability_error %}
{{ 'Error: ' + playability_error }} {% if invidious_reload_button %}
Reload without invidious (for usage of new identity button).
{% endif %}
{% elif (uni_sources.__len__() == 0 or live) and hls_formats.__len__() != 0 %}
Copy a url into your video player:
    {% for fmt in hls_formats %}
  1. {{ fmt['video_quality'] }}:
  2. {% endfor %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}

{{ title }}

Uploaded by {{ uploader }}
{{ view_count }} views {{ like_count }} likes
{% if settings.use_video_player != 2 %} {% endif %}
Direct Link {% if settings.use_video_download != 0 %}
{% else %} {% endif %} {{ common_elements.text_runs(description)|escape|urlize|timestamps|safe }}
{% if music_list.__len__() != 0 %}
{% for attribute in music_attributes %} {% endfor %} {% for track in music_list %} {% for attribute in music_attributes %} {% if attribute.lower() == 'title' and track['url'] is not none %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endfor %}
{{ attribute }}
{{ track.get(attribute.lower(), '') }}{{ track.get(attribute.lower(), '') }}
{% endif %}
More info

Tor exit node: {{ ip_address }}

{% if invidious_used %}

Used Invidious as fallback.

{% endif %}

Allowed countries: {{ allowed_countries|join(', ') }}

{% if settings.use_sponsorblock_js %}
{% endif %}
{% if playlist %}

{{ playlist['title'] }}

{% elif settings.related_videos_mode != 0 %} {% endif %} {% if subtitle_sources %}
{% endif %} {% if settings.related_videos_mode != 0 %} {% endif %}
{% if settings.comments_mode != 0 %} {% if comments_disabled %}
Comments disabled
{% else %}
{{ comment_count|commatize }} comment{{'s' if comment_count != '1' else ''}}
{% if comments_info %} {{ comments.video_comments(comments_info) }} {% endif %}
{% endif %} {% endif %}
{% if settings.use_video_player == 2 %} {% elif settings.use_video_player == 1 %} {% endif %} {% if settings.use_comments_js %} {% endif %} {% if settings.use_sponsorblock_js %} {% endif %} {% endblock main %}