diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Features.py')
-rw-r--r-- | Features.py | 198 |
1 files changed, 198 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Features.py b/Features.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9e4000c --- /dev/null +++ b/Features.py @@ -0,0 +1,198 @@ +
+import pywhatkit
+import wikipedia
+from pywikihow import RandomHowTo, search_wikihow
+import os
+import speech_recognition as sr
+import webbrowser as web
+import bs4
+import pyttsx3
+from time import sleep
+import requests
+engine = pyttsx3.init('sapi5')
+voices = engine.getProperty('voices')
+def Speak(audio):
+ print(" ")
+ print(f": {audio}")
+ engine.say(audio)
+ engine.runAndWait()
+ print(" ")
+def TakeCommand():
+ r = sr.Recognizer()
+ with sr.Microphone() as source:
+ print(": Listening....")
+ r.pause_threshold = 1
+ audio = r.listen(source)
+ try:
+ print(": Recognizing...")
+ query = r.recognize_google(audio,language='en-in')
+ print(f": Your Command : {query}\n")
+ except:
+ return ""
+ return query.lower()
+def GoogleSearch(term):
+ query = term.replace("zara","")
+ query = query.replace("what is","")
+ query = query.replace("how to","")
+ query = query.replace("what is","")
+ query = query.replace(" ","")
+ query = query.replace("what do you mean by","")
+ writeab = str(query)
+ oooooo = open('E:\\Y O U T U B E\\J A R V I S S E R I E S\\H O W T O M A K E J A R V I S\\Data.txt','a')
+ oooooo.write(writeab)
+ oooooo.close()
+ Query = str(term)
+ pywhatkit.search(Query)
+ os.startfile('E:\\Y O U T U B E\\J A R V I S S E R I E S\\H O W T O M A K E J A R V I S\\DataBase\\ExtraPro\\start.py')
+ if 'how to' in Query:
+ max_result = 1
+ how_to_func = search_wikihow(query=Query,max_results=max_result)
+ assert len(how_to_func) == 1
+ how_to_func[0].print()
+ Speak(how_to_func[0].summary)
+ else:
+ search = wikipedia.summary(Query,2)
+ Speak(f": According To Your Search : {search}")
+def YouTubeSearch(term):
+ result = "https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=" + term
+ web.open(result)
+ Speak("This Is What I Found For Your Search .")
+ pywhatkit.playonyt(term)
+ Speak("This May Also Help You Sir .")
+def Alarm(query):
+ TimeHere= open('E:\\Y O U T U B E\\J A R V I S S E R I E S\\H O W T O M A K E J A R V I S\\Data.txt','a')
+ TimeHere.write(query)
+ TimeHere.close()
+ os.startfile("E:\\Y O U T U B E\\J A R V I S S E R I E S\\H O W T O M A K E J A R V I S\\DataBase\\ExtraPro\\Alarm.py")
+def DownloadYouTube():
+ from pytube import YouTube
+ from pyautogui import click
+ from pyautogui import hotkey
+ import pyperclip
+ from time import sleep
+ sleep(2)
+ click(x=942,y=59)
+ hotkey('ctrl','c')
+ value = pyperclip.paste()
+ Link = str(value) # Important
+ def Download(link):
+ url = YouTube(link)
+ video = url.streams.first()
+ video.download('E:\\YouTube Channel\\YouTube - Zara \\How To Make Zara In Python\\DataBase\\YouTube\\')
+ Download(Link)
+ Speak("Done Sir , I Have Downloaded The Video .")
+ Speak("You Can Go And Check It Out.")
+ os.startfile('E:\\Y O U T U B E\\J A R V I S S E R I E S\\H O W T O M A K E J A R V I S\\DataBase\\YouTube\\')
+def SpeedTest():
+ os.startfile("E:\\Y O U T U B E\\J A R V I S S E R I E S\\H O W T O M A K E J A R V I S\\DataBase\\Gui Programs\\SpeedTestGui.py")
+def DateConverter(Query):
+ Date = Query.replace(" and ","-")
+ Date = Date.replace(" and ","-")
+ Date = Date.replace("and","-")
+ Date = Date.replace("and","-")
+ Date = Date.replace(" ","")
+ return str(Date)
+def My_Location():
+ op = "https://www.google.com/maps/place/Delhi/@28.6472799,76.8130619,83757m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x390cfd5b347eb62d:0x37205b715389640!8m2!3d28.7040592!4d77.1024902"
+ Speak("Checking....")
+ web.open(op)
+ ip_add = requests.get('https://api.ipify.org').text
+ url = 'https://get.geojs.io/v1/ip/geo/' + ip_add + '.json'
+ geo_q = requests.get(url)
+ geo_d = geo_q.json()
+ state = geo_d['city']
+ country = geo_d['country']
+ Speak(f"Sir , You Are Now In {state , country} .")
+def CoronaVirus(Country):
+ countries = str(Country).replace(" ","")
+ url = f"https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/{countries}/"
+ result = requests.get(url)
+ soups = bs4.BeautifulSoup(result.text,'lxml')
+ corona = soups.find_all('div',class_ = 'maincounter-number')
+ Data = []
+ for case in corona:
+ span = case.find('span')
+ Data.append(span.string)
+ cases , Death , recovored = Data
+ Speak(f"Cases : {cases}")
+ Speak(f"Deaths : {Death}")
+ Speak(f"Recovered : {recovored}")