path: root/Main.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Main.py')
1 files changed, 232 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Main.py b/Main.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7837880
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Main.py
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+from types import coroutine
+import pyttsx3
+import speech_recognition as sr
+from Features import GoogleSearch
+from win10toast import ToastNotifier
+engine = pyttsx3.init('sapi5')
+voices = engine.getProperty('voices')
+def Speak(audio):
+ print(" ")
+ print(f": {audio}")
+ engine.say(audio)
+ engine.runAndWait()
+ print(" ")
+def TakeCommand():
+ r = sr.Recognizer()
+ with sr.Microphone() as source:
+ print(": Listening....")
+ r.pause_threshold = 1
+ audio = r.listen(source)
+ try:
+ print(": Recognizing...")
+ query = r.recognize_google(audio,language='en-in')
+ print(f": Your Command : {query}\n")
+ except:
+ return ""
+ return query.lower()
+def TaskExe():
+ while True:
+ query = TakeCommand()
+ if 'google search' in query:
+ GoogleSearch(query)
+ elif 'youtube search' in query:
+ Query = query.replace("Zara","")
+ query = Query.replace("youtube search","")
+ from Features import YouTubeSearch
+ YouTubeSearch(query)
+ elif 'set alarm' in query:
+ from Features import Alarm
+ Alarm(query)
+ elif 'download' in query:
+ from Features import DownloadYouTube
+ DownloadYouTube()
+ elif 'speed test' in query:
+ from Features import SpeedTest
+ SpeedTest()
+ elif 'whatsapp message' in query:
+ name = query.replace("whatsapp message","")
+ name = name.replace("send ","")
+ name = name.replace("to ","")
+ Name = str(name)
+ Speak(f"Whats The Message For {Name}")
+ MSG = TakeCommand()
+ from Automations import WhatsappMsg
+ WhatsappMsg(Name,MSG)
+ elif 'call' in query:
+ from Automations import WhatsappCall
+ name = query.replace("call ","")
+ name = name.replace("Zara ","")
+ Name = str(name)
+ WhatsappCall(Name)
+ elif 'show chat' in query:
+ Speak("With Whom ?")
+ name = TakeCommand()
+ from Automations import WhatsappChat
+ WhatsappChat(name)
+ elif 'space news' in query:
+ Speak("Tell Me The Date For News Extracting Process .")
+ Date = TakeCommand()
+ from Features import DateConverter
+ Value = DateConverter(Date)
+ from Nasa import NasaNews
+ NasaNews(Value)
+ elif 'about' in query:
+ from Nasa import Summary
+ query = query.replace("Zara ","")
+ query = query.replace("about ","")
+ Summary(query)
+ elif 'mars images' in query:
+ from Nasa import MarsImage
+ MarsImage()
+ elif 'track iss' in query:
+ from Nasa import IssTracker
+ IssTracker()
+ elif 'near earth' in query:
+ from Nasa import Astro
+ from Features import DateConverter
+ Speak("Tell Me The Starting Date .")
+ start = TakeCommand()
+ start_date = DateConverter(TakeCommand)
+ Speak("And Tell Me The End Date .")
+ end = TakeCommand()
+ end_date = DateConverter(end)
+ Astro(start_date,end_date=end_date)
+ elif 'my location' in query:
+ from Features import My_Location
+ My_Location()
+ elif 'where is' in query:
+ from Automations import GoogleMaps
+ Place = query.replace("where is ","")
+ Place = Place.replace("Zara" , "")
+ GoogleMaps(Place)
+ elif 'online' in query:
+ from Automations import OnlinClass
+ Speak("Tell Me The Name Of The Class .")
+ Class = TakeCommand()
+ OnlinClass(Class)
+ elif 'write a note' in query:
+ from Automations import Notepad
+ Notepad()
+ elif 'dismiss' in query:
+ from Automations import CloseNotepad
+ CloseNotepad()
+ elif 'time table' in query:
+ from Automations import TimeTable
+ TimeTable()
+ elif 'activate the bulb' in query:
+ from DataBase.HomeAuto.SmartBulb import Activate
+ Activate()
+ Speak("Should I Start Or Close The Bulb ?")
+ step = TakeCommand()
+ if 'close' in step:
+ from DataBase.HomeAuto.SmartBulb import CloseLight
+ CloseLight()
+ elif 'start' in step:
+ from DataBase.HomeAuto.SmartBulb import StartLight
+ StartLight()
+ elif 'corona cases' in query:
+ from Features import CoronaVirus
+ Speak("Which Country's Information ?")
+ cccc = TakeCommand()
+ CoronaVirus(cccc)
+ else:
+ from DataBase.ChatBot.ChatBot import ChatterBot
+ reply = ChatterBot(query)
+ Speak(reply)
+ if 'bye' in query:
+ break
+ elif 'exit' in query:
+ break
+ elif 'go' in query:
+ break