path: root/.config/x11/xprofile
blob: 8b502cbf71de4f02dcc74ad8f560d1d2f66643f3 (plain) (tree)


# This file runs when a DM logs you into a graphical session.
# If you use startx/xinit like a Chad, this file will also be sourced.

xrandr --dpi 96		# Set DPI. User may want to use a larger number for larger screens.
set_wallpaper &			# set the background with the `setbg` script
xrdb ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/x11/xresources & xrdbpid=$!	# Uncomment to use Xresources colors/settings on startup
remaps &	# run the remaps script, switching caps/esc and more; check it for more info
sxhkd &		# shortcut to run a program like power menu
dwm_bar &	# dwm bar to show the time volume etc
#dwmblocks &
#xcompmgr -f &
#ntpd -qg

autostart="mpd xcompmgr dunst unclutter pipewire-pulse"

for program in $autostart; do
	pidof -s "$program" || "$program" &
done >/dev/null 2>&1

# Ensure that xrdb has finished running before moving on to start the WM/DE.
[ -n "$xrdbpid" ] && wait "$xrdbpid"