path: root/env/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pyparsing/diagram/__init__.py
diff options
authorLibravatarLibravatar Biswakalyan Bhuyan <biswa@surgot.in> 2022-11-13 23:46:45 +0530
committerLibravatarLibravatar Biswakalyan Bhuyan <biswa@surgot.in> 2022-11-13 23:46:45 +0530
commit9468226a9e2e2ab8cdd599f1d8538e860ca86120 (patch)
tree0a77ada226d6db80639f96b438bf83e4e756edb5 /env/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pyparsing/diagram/__init__.py
id card generator
Diffstat (limited to 'env/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pyparsing/diagram/__init__.py')
1 files changed, 642 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/env/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pyparsing/diagram/__init__.py b/env/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pyparsing/diagram/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8986447
--- /dev/null
+++ b/env/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pyparsing/diagram/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,642 @@
+import railroad
+import pyparsing
+import typing
+from typing import (
+ List,
+ NamedTuple,
+ Generic,
+ TypeVar,
+ Dict,
+ Callable,
+ Set,
+ Iterable,
+from jinja2 import Template
+from io import StringIO
+import inspect
+jinja2_template_source = """\
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+ {% if not head %}
+ <style type="text/css">
+ .railroad-heading {
+ font-family: monospace;
+ }
+ </style>
+ {% else %}
+ {{ head | safe }}
+ {% endif %}
+{{ body | safe }}
+{% for diagram in diagrams %}
+ <div class="railroad-group">
+ <h1 class="railroad-heading">{{ diagram.title }}</h1>
+ <div class="railroad-description">{{ diagram.text }}</div>
+ <div class="railroad-svg">
+ {{ diagram.svg }}
+ </div>
+ </div>
+{% endfor %}
+template = Template(jinja2_template_source)
+# Note: ideally this would be a dataclass, but we're supporting Python 3.5+ so we can't do this yet
+NamedDiagram = NamedTuple(
+ "NamedDiagram",
+ [("name", str), ("diagram", typing.Optional[railroad.DiagramItem]), ("index", int)],
+A simple structure for associating a name with a railroad diagram
+T = TypeVar("T")
+class EachItem(railroad.Group):
+ """
+ Custom railroad item to compose a:
+ - Group containing a
+ - OneOrMore containing a
+ - Choice of the elements in the Each
+ with the group label indicating that all must be matched
+ """
+ all_label = "[ALL]"
+ def __init__(self, *items):
+ choice_item = railroad.Choice(len(items) - 1, *items)
+ one_or_more_item = railroad.OneOrMore(item=choice_item)
+ super().__init__(one_or_more_item, label=self.all_label)
+class AnnotatedItem(railroad.Group):
+ """
+ Simple subclass of Group that creates an annotation label
+ """
+ def __init__(self, label: str, item):
+ super().__init__(item=item, label="[{}]".format(label) if label else label)
+class EditablePartial(Generic[T]):
+ """
+ Acts like a functools.partial, but can be edited. In other words, it represents a type that hasn't yet been
+ constructed.
+ """
+ # We need this here because the railroad constructors actually transform the data, so can't be called until the
+ # entire tree is assembled
+ def __init__(self, func: Callable[..., T], args: list, kwargs: dict):
+ self.func = func
+ self.args = args
+ self.kwargs = kwargs
+ @classmethod
+ def from_call(cls, func: Callable[..., T], *args, **kwargs) -> "EditablePartial[T]":
+ """
+ If you call this function in the same way that you would call the constructor, it will store the arguments
+ as you expect. For example EditablePartial.from_call(Fraction, 1, 3)() == Fraction(1, 3)
+ """
+ return EditablePartial(func=func, args=list(args), kwargs=kwargs)
+ @property
+ def name(self):
+ return self.kwargs["name"]
+ def __call__(self) -> T:
+ """
+ Evaluate the partial and return the result
+ """
+ args = self.args.copy()
+ kwargs = self.kwargs.copy()
+ # This is a helpful hack to allow you to specify varargs parameters (e.g. *args) as keyword args (e.g.
+ # args=['list', 'of', 'things'])
+ arg_spec = inspect.getfullargspec(self.func)
+ if arg_spec.varargs in self.kwargs:
+ args += kwargs.pop(arg_spec.varargs)
+ return self.func(*args, **kwargs)
+def railroad_to_html(diagrams: List[NamedDiagram], **kwargs) -> str:
+ """
+ Given a list of NamedDiagram, produce a single HTML string that visualises those diagrams
+ :params kwargs: kwargs to be passed in to the template
+ """
+ data = []
+ for diagram in diagrams:
+ if diagram.diagram is None:
+ continue
+ io = StringIO()
+ diagram.diagram.writeSvg(io.write)
+ title = diagram.name
+ if diagram.index == 0:
+ title += " (root)"
+ data.append({"title": title, "text": "", "svg": io.getvalue()})
+ return template.render(diagrams=data, **kwargs)
+def resolve_partial(partial: "EditablePartial[T]") -> T:
+ """
+ Recursively resolves a collection of Partials into whatever type they are
+ """
+ if isinstance(partial, EditablePartial):
+ partial.args = resolve_partial(partial.args)
+ partial.kwargs = resolve_partial(partial.kwargs)
+ return partial()
+ elif isinstance(partial, list):
+ return [resolve_partial(x) for x in partial]
+ elif isinstance(partial, dict):
+ return {key: resolve_partial(x) for key, x in partial.items()}
+ else:
+ return partial
+def to_railroad(
+ element: pyparsing.ParserElement,
+ diagram_kwargs: typing.Optional[dict] = None,
+ vertical: int = 3,
+ show_results_names: bool = False,
+ show_groups: bool = False,
+) -> List[NamedDiagram]:
+ """
+ Convert a pyparsing element tree into a list of diagrams. This is the recommended entrypoint to diagram
+ creation if you want to access the Railroad tree before it is converted to HTML
+ :param element: base element of the parser being diagrammed
+ :param diagram_kwargs: kwargs to pass to the Diagram() constructor
+ :param vertical: (optional) - int - limit at which number of alternatives should be
+ shown vertically instead of horizontally
+ :param show_results_names - bool to indicate whether results name annotations should be
+ included in the diagram
+ :param show_groups - bool to indicate whether groups should be highlighted with an unlabeled
+ surrounding box
+ """
+ # Convert the whole tree underneath the root
+ lookup = ConverterState(diagram_kwargs=diagram_kwargs or {})
+ _to_diagram_element(
+ element,
+ lookup=lookup,
+ parent=None,
+ vertical=vertical,
+ show_results_names=show_results_names,
+ show_groups=show_groups,
+ )
+ root_id = id(element)
+ # Convert the root if it hasn't been already
+ if root_id in lookup:
+ if not element.customName:
+ lookup[root_id].name = ""
+ lookup[root_id].mark_for_extraction(root_id, lookup, force=True)
+ # Now that we're finished, we can convert from intermediate structures into Railroad elements
+ diags = list(lookup.diagrams.values())
+ if len(diags) > 1:
+ # collapse out duplicate diags with the same name
+ seen = set()
+ deduped_diags = []
+ for d in diags:
+ # don't extract SkipTo elements, they are uninformative as subdiagrams
+ if d.name == "...":
+ continue
+ if d.name is not None and d.name not in seen:
+ seen.add(d.name)
+ deduped_diags.append(d)
+ resolved = [resolve_partial(partial) for partial in deduped_diags]
+ else:
+ # special case - if just one diagram, always display it, even if
+ # it has no name
+ resolved = [resolve_partial(partial) for partial in diags]
+ return sorted(resolved, key=lambda diag: diag.index)
+def _should_vertical(
+ specification: int, exprs: Iterable[pyparsing.ParserElement]
+) -> bool:
+ """
+ Returns true if we should return a vertical list of elements
+ """
+ if specification is None:
+ return False
+ else:
+ return len(_visible_exprs(exprs)) >= specification
+class ElementState:
+ """
+ State recorded for an individual pyparsing Element
+ """
+ # Note: this should be a dataclass, but we have to support Python 3.5
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ element: pyparsing.ParserElement,
+ converted: EditablePartial,
+ parent: EditablePartial,
+ number: int,
+ name: str = None,
+ parent_index: typing.Optional[int] = None,
+ ):
+ #: The pyparsing element that this represents
+ self.element: pyparsing.ParserElement = element
+ #: The name of the element
+ self.name: typing.Optional[str] = name
+ #: The output Railroad element in an unconverted state
+ self.converted: EditablePartial = converted
+ #: The parent Railroad element, which we store so that we can extract this if it's duplicated
+ self.parent: EditablePartial = parent
+ #: The order in which we found this element, used for sorting diagrams if this is extracted into a diagram
+ self.number: int = number
+ #: The index of this inside its parent
+ self.parent_index: typing.Optional[int] = parent_index
+ #: If true, we should extract this out into a subdiagram
+ self.extract: bool = False
+ #: If true, all of this element's children have been filled out
+ self.complete: bool = False
+ def mark_for_extraction(
+ self, el_id: int, state: "ConverterState", name: str = None, force: bool = False
+ ):
+ """
+ Called when this instance has been seen twice, and thus should eventually be extracted into a sub-diagram
+ :param el_id: id of the element
+ :param state: element/diagram state tracker
+ :param name: name to use for this element's text
+ :param force: If true, force extraction now, regardless of the state of this. Only useful for extracting the
+ root element when we know we're finished
+ """
+ self.extract = True
+ # Set the name
+ if not self.name:
+ if name:
+ # Allow forcing a custom name
+ self.name = name
+ elif self.element.customName:
+ self.name = self.element.customName
+ else:
+ self.name = ""
+ # Just because this is marked for extraction doesn't mean we can do it yet. We may have to wait for children
+ # to be added
+ # Also, if this is just a string literal etc, don't bother extracting it
+ if force or (self.complete and _worth_extracting(self.element)):
+ state.extract_into_diagram(el_id)
+class ConverterState:
+ """
+ Stores some state that persists between recursions into the element tree
+ """
+ def __init__(self, diagram_kwargs: typing.Optional[dict] = None):
+ #: A dictionary mapping ParserElements to state relating to them
+ self._element_diagram_states: Dict[int, ElementState] = {}
+ #: A dictionary mapping ParserElement IDs to subdiagrams generated from them
+ self.diagrams: Dict[int, EditablePartial[NamedDiagram]] = {}
+ #: The index of the next unnamed element
+ self.unnamed_index: int = 1
+ #: The index of the next element. This is used for sorting
+ self.index: int = 0
+ #: Shared kwargs that are used to customize the construction of diagrams
+ self.diagram_kwargs: dict = diagram_kwargs or {}
+ self.extracted_diagram_names: Set[str] = set()
+ def __setitem__(self, key: int, value: ElementState):
+ self._element_diagram_states[key] = value
+ def __getitem__(self, key: int) -> ElementState:
+ return self._element_diagram_states[key]
+ def __delitem__(self, key: int):
+ del self._element_diagram_states[key]
+ def __contains__(self, key: int):
+ return key in self._element_diagram_states
+ def generate_unnamed(self) -> int:
+ """
+ Generate a number used in the name of an otherwise unnamed diagram
+ """
+ self.unnamed_index += 1
+ return self.unnamed_index
+ def generate_index(self) -> int:
+ """
+ Generate a number used to index a diagram
+ """
+ self.index += 1
+ return self.index
+ def extract_into_diagram(self, el_id: int):
+ """
+ Used when we encounter the same token twice in the same tree. When this
+ happens, we replace all instances of that token with a terminal, and
+ create a new subdiagram for the token
+ """
+ position = self[el_id]
+ # Replace the original definition of this element with a regular block
+ if position.parent:
+ ret = EditablePartial.from_call(railroad.NonTerminal, text=position.name)
+ if "item" in position.parent.kwargs:
+ position.parent.kwargs["item"] = ret
+ elif "items" in position.parent.kwargs:
+ position.parent.kwargs["items"][position.parent_index] = ret
+ # If the element we're extracting is a group, skip to its content but keep the title
+ if position.converted.func == railroad.Group:
+ content = position.converted.kwargs["item"]
+ else:
+ content = position.converted
+ self.diagrams[el_id] = EditablePartial.from_call(
+ NamedDiagram,
+ name=position.name,
+ diagram=EditablePartial.from_call(
+ railroad.Diagram, content, **self.diagram_kwargs
+ ),
+ index=position.number,
+ )
+ del self[el_id]
+def _worth_extracting(element: pyparsing.ParserElement) -> bool:
+ """
+ Returns true if this element is worth having its own sub-diagram. Simply, if any of its children
+ themselves have children, then its complex enough to extract
+ """
+ children = element.recurse()
+ return any(child.recurse() for child in children)
+def _apply_diagram_item_enhancements(fn):
+ """
+ decorator to ensure enhancements to a diagram item (such as results name annotations)
+ get applied on return from _to_diagram_element (we do this since there are several
+ returns in _to_diagram_element)
+ """
+ def _inner(
+ element: pyparsing.ParserElement,
+ parent: typing.Optional[EditablePartial],
+ lookup: ConverterState = None,
+ vertical: int = None,
+ index: int = 0,
+ name_hint: str = None,
+ show_results_names: bool = False,
+ show_groups: bool = False,
+ ) -> typing.Optional[EditablePartial]:
+ ret = fn(
+ element,
+ parent,
+ lookup,
+ vertical,
+ index,
+ name_hint,
+ show_results_names,
+ show_groups,
+ )
+ # apply annotation for results name, if present
+ if show_results_names and ret is not None:
+ element_results_name = element.resultsName
+ if element_results_name:
+ # add "*" to indicate if this is a "list all results" name
+ element_results_name += "" if element.modalResults else "*"
+ ret = EditablePartial.from_call(
+ railroad.Group, item=ret, label=element_results_name
+ )
+ return ret
+ return _inner
+def _visible_exprs(exprs: Iterable[pyparsing.ParserElement]):
+ non_diagramming_exprs = (
+ pyparsing.ParseElementEnhance,
+ pyparsing.PositionToken,
+ pyparsing.And._ErrorStop,
+ )
+ return [
+ e
+ for e in exprs
+ if not (e.customName or e.resultsName or isinstance(e, non_diagramming_exprs))
+ ]
+def _to_diagram_element(
+ element: pyparsing.ParserElement,
+ parent: typing.Optional[EditablePartial],
+ lookup: ConverterState = None,
+ vertical: int = None,
+ index: int = 0,
+ name_hint: str = None,
+ show_results_names: bool = False,
+ show_groups: bool = False,
+) -> typing.Optional[EditablePartial]:
+ """
+ Recursively converts a PyParsing Element to a railroad Element
+ :param lookup: The shared converter state that keeps track of useful things
+ :param index: The index of this element within the parent
+ :param parent: The parent of this element in the output tree
+ :param vertical: Controls at what point we make a list of elements vertical. If this is an integer (the default),
+ it sets the threshold of the number of items before we go vertical. If True, always go vertical, if False, never
+ do so
+ :param name_hint: If provided, this will override the generated name
+ :param show_results_names: bool flag indicating whether to add annotations for results names
+ :returns: The converted version of the input element, but as a Partial that hasn't yet been constructed
+ :param show_groups: bool flag indicating whether to show groups using bounding box
+ """
+ exprs = element.recurse()
+ name = name_hint or element.customName or element.__class__.__name__
+ # Python's id() is used to provide a unique identifier for elements
+ el_id = id(element)
+ element_results_name = element.resultsName
+ # Here we basically bypass processing certain wrapper elements if they contribute nothing to the diagram
+ if not element.customName:
+ if isinstance(
+ element,
+ (
+ # pyparsing.TokenConverter,
+ # pyparsing.Forward,
+ pyparsing.Located,
+ ),
+ ):
+ # However, if this element has a useful custom name, and its child does not, we can pass it on to the child
+ if exprs:
+ if not exprs[0].customName:
+ propagated_name = name
+ else:
+ propagated_name = None
+ return _to_diagram_element(
+ element.expr,
+ parent=parent,
+ lookup=lookup,
+ vertical=vertical,
+ index=index,
+ name_hint=propagated_name,
+ show_results_names=show_results_names,
+ show_groups=show_groups,
+ )
+ # If the element isn't worth extracting, we always treat it as the first time we say it
+ if _worth_extracting(element):
+ if el_id in lookup:
+ # If we've seen this element exactly once before, we are only just now finding out that it's a duplicate,
+ # so we have to extract it into a new diagram.
+ looked_up = lookup[el_id]
+ looked_up.mark_for_extraction(el_id, lookup, name=name_hint)
+ ret = EditablePartial.from_call(railroad.NonTerminal, text=looked_up.name)
+ return ret
+ elif el_id in lookup.diagrams:
+ # If we have seen the element at least twice before, and have already extracted it into a subdiagram, we
+ # just put in a marker element that refers to the sub-diagram
+ ret = EditablePartial.from_call(
+ railroad.NonTerminal, text=lookup.diagrams[el_id].kwargs["name"]
+ )
+ return ret
+ # Recursively convert child elements
+ # Here we find the most relevant Railroad element for matching pyparsing Element
+ # We use ``items=[]`` here to hold the place for where the child elements will go once created
+ if isinstance(element, pyparsing.And):
+ # detect And's created with ``expr*N`` notation - for these use a OneOrMore with a repeat
+ # (all will have the same name, and resultsName)
+ if not exprs:
+ return None
+ if len(set((e.name, e.resultsName) for e in exprs)) == 1:
+ ret = EditablePartial.from_call(
+ railroad.OneOrMore, item="", repeat=str(len(exprs))
+ )
+ elif _should_vertical(vertical, exprs):
+ ret = EditablePartial.from_call(railroad.Stack, items=[])
+ else:
+ ret = EditablePartial.from_call(railroad.Sequence, items=[])
+ elif isinstance(element, (pyparsing.Or, pyparsing.MatchFirst)):
+ if not exprs:
+ return None
+ if _should_vertical(vertical, exprs):
+ ret = EditablePartial.from_call(railroad.Choice, 0, items=[])
+ else:
+ ret = EditablePartial.from_call(railroad.HorizontalChoice, items=[])
+ elif isinstance(element, pyparsing.Each):
+ if not exprs:
+ return None
+ ret = EditablePartial.from_call(EachItem, items=[])
+ elif isinstance(element, pyparsing.NotAny):
+ ret = EditablePartial.from_call(AnnotatedItem, label="NOT", item="")
+ elif isinstance(element, pyparsing.FollowedBy):
+ ret = EditablePartial.from_call(AnnotatedItem, label="LOOKAHEAD", item="")
+ elif isinstance(element, pyparsing.PrecededBy):
+ ret = EditablePartial.from_call(AnnotatedItem, label="LOOKBEHIND", item="")
+ elif isinstance(element, pyparsing.Group):
+ if show_groups:
+ ret = EditablePartial.from_call(AnnotatedItem, label="", item="")
+ else:
+ ret = EditablePartial.from_call(railroad.Group, label="", item="")
+ elif isinstance(element, pyparsing.TokenConverter):
+ ret = EditablePartial.from_call(
+ AnnotatedItem, label=type(element).__name__.lower(), item=""
+ )
+ elif isinstance(element, pyparsing.Opt):
+ ret = EditablePartial.from_call(railroad.Optional, item="")
+ elif isinstance(element, pyparsing.OneOrMore):
+ ret = EditablePartial.from_call(railroad.OneOrMore, item="")
+ elif isinstance(element, pyparsing.ZeroOrMore):
+ ret = EditablePartial.from_call(railroad.ZeroOrMore, item="")
+ elif isinstance(element, pyparsing.Group):
+ ret = EditablePartial.from_call(
+ railroad.Group, item=None, label=element_results_name
+ )
+ elif isinstance(element, pyparsing.Empty) and not element.customName:
+ # Skip unnamed "Empty" elements
+ ret = None
+ elif len(exprs) > 1:
+ ret = EditablePartial.from_call(railroad.Sequence, items=[])
+ elif len(exprs) > 0 and not element_results_name:
+ ret = EditablePartial.from_call(railroad.Group, item="", label=name)
+ else:
+ terminal = EditablePartial.from_call(railroad.Terminal, element.defaultName)
+ ret = terminal
+ if ret is None:
+ return
+ # Indicate this element's position in the tree so we can extract it if necessary
+ lookup[el_id] = ElementState(
+ element=element,
+ converted=ret,
+ parent=parent,
+ parent_index=index,
+ number=lookup.generate_index(),
+ )
+ if element.customName:
+ lookup[el_id].mark_for_extraction(el_id, lookup, element.customName)
+ i = 0
+ for expr in exprs:
+ # Add a placeholder index in case we have to extract the child before we even add it to the parent
+ if "items" in ret.kwargs:
+ ret.kwargs["items"].insert(i, None)
+ item = _to_diagram_element(
+ expr,
+ parent=ret,
+ lookup=lookup,
+ vertical=vertical,
+ index=i,
+ show_results_names=show_results_names,
+ show_groups=show_groups,
+ )
+ # Some elements don't need to be shown in the diagram
+ if item is not None:
+ if "item" in ret.kwargs:
+ ret.kwargs["item"] = item
+ elif "items" in ret.kwargs:
+ # If we've already extracted the child, don't touch this index, since it's occupied by a nonterminal
+ ret.kwargs["items"][i] = item
+ i += 1
+ elif "items" in ret.kwargs:
+ # If we're supposed to skip this element, remove it from the parent
+ del ret.kwargs["items"][i]
+ # If all this items children are none, skip this item
+ if ret and (
+ ("items" in ret.kwargs and len(ret.kwargs["items"]) == 0)
+ or ("item" in ret.kwargs and ret.kwargs["item"] is None)
+ ):
+ ret = EditablePartial.from_call(railroad.Terminal, name)
+ # Mark this element as "complete", ie it has all of its children
+ if el_id in lookup:
+ lookup[el_id].complete = True
+ if el_id in lookup and lookup[el_id].extract and lookup[el_id].complete:
+ lookup.extract_into_diagram(el_id)
+ if ret is not None:
+ ret = EditablePartial.from_call(
+ railroad.NonTerminal, text=lookup.diagrams[el_id].kwargs["name"]
+ )
+ return ret